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Pathwork Lectures 50-99 Study Guides

Above: clip from Authority PL 46 / The God Image PL 52

PL 50 Vicious Circles

One of the most significant laws in the universe is the law of circular motion . Every movement, every energy current, follows this law. All created life is subject to this law.

When attitudes and direction deviate from reality and divine principle, vicious circles are the result. This vicious circle remains until a new energy current is created by consciousness ‐‐ a new impact which then forms a benign circle.

September 2014 Newsletter PRS21 / PL50

Study Guide:Benign and Vicious Circles

Explore: Factors that fuel a Vicious Circle; Emotional Dependency; How a Benign Circle differs; and the elements of a Breaking Point, from The Abyss of Illusion PL 60

Part 2: The Spiral of Spiritual Development by Dottie Titus

PL 52: The God Image and PL 46: Authority

Our attitudes towards authority are based upon our relationships with our parents. Later, we project our experience with our parents and other human authority figures into an image of God (or 'whoever governs'). Both our real guilts (where we are self-centered and resist developing) and our false guilts (refusal to see the cause and effect dynamic of our own images, blaming the other) cause us to fear spiritual justice -- and God, as the ultimate judge. The realization of how you cause the effects of your life will dissolve the God image. This is one of the main breaking points.

2009 Study GuideThe God Image PL52 / Authority PL46

YouTube Presentation 1 hr 30 mins

August 2013 Newsletter PL 52

2013 Study Guide The God Image & Authority

Use Worksheets to explore your inner beliefs, which are often not fully conscious

February 2021Newsletter PL 52

2021 Study Guide: The God Image

Explore: Images of Authority Become Images of God;  The Reality of God vs. Images of God;  How to Dissolve an Image; and The Reality of God vs. Human Projections

YouTube Video Summary 38 mins

2024 Review of The God Image PL 52  Workshop Materials

Video presentation: 19mins

This is a 1-week followup to the April 2024 study guide on Word Weariness vs. Prayer and Love, PL 4 in order to focus on the conscious and unconscious beliefs we hold about who we are praying to, and how trustworthy our divine self actually is!

PL 55 Three Cosmic Principles: Expansion, Restriction, Stasis

          These three principles exist in the entire universe. They exist in nature. They govern and influence everything that has ever been created and ever will be created. There is no branch of human science where these principles cannot be found. And needless to say, they penetrate and form the human soul as well. In other words, they exist on all levels and all forms, from the subtlest to the coarsest. All three principles must work together harmoniously, must sustain, complement, and further one another if the person is harmonious.

September 2018  Newsletter PL 55 Overview
Explore: Positive and Negative Aspects of Each Principle; Embodying the Cosmic Rhythm;  Cosmic Principles in Personality Types; and Misconceptions and Distortions

YouTube Introduction to PL 55  12 mins

PL 56 Healthy and Unhealthy Motives in Desires; The Capacity to Wish

          The creative life force or principle is all around you.  It is all‑powerful and all‑good. As far as the universe is concerned, there need be no hardship or unhappiness. Yet what are the prerequisites that enable you to tune in on this force, and what keeps you from it?

May 2024: Newsletter PL 56 Overview

Study Guide Healthy and Unhealthy Motives in Desires

Explore sub-topics in the Study Guide,  or watch brief YouTube video summaries: The Capacity to Wish 22mins; Constructive and Destructive Life Forces 22mins; Attitudes that Prohibit Fulfillment 17mins; Misconceptions about the Process of Self-Search 10mins


PL 57 Mass Images of Self-Importance

          Mass Images can be more powerful than individual images. We may need a broader perspective than we have ever imagined. Or, we may have always suspected there were deeper truths but never verbalized our feelings.

May 2015  Newsletter PRS11 PL 57

Study Guide  Mass Images

Explore: Feminine & Masculine Images; Images of God; Finding Images & Your Resistance; and Mass Images in Society 

YouTube Summary  13 mins

PL 60 The Abyss of Illusion

There are certain kinds of fear which cannot be gotten rid of, which cannot be discovered as unreal, unless the abyss is tested and one jumps right into the imaginary precipice. Only then will it be discovered that there was never any dangerous cliff or abyss, no precipice or chasm, and instead of being crashed, one floats in ease.  This is the moment when the fear turns out to be imaginary.  Going through the act seems, at first, to require some courage.   

August 2014 Newsletter PRS20 / PL60

Study Guide: The Abyss of Illusion

Explore: Fear’s power = the illusion of danger; The abyss of illusion; Freedom without responsibility; the illusion of the child; Utopia; the illusion of compromise between infant and adult; and The soul’s search for true spiritual freedom, spiritual justice and the power of grace 

PL 62  Man and Woman

To fulfill one's life, one must fulfill one's self. A human being cannot fulfill himself if he or she does not fulfill his manhood or womanhood. Both manhood and womanhood can only be fulfilled by recognizing your barriers and fears regarding the full functioning of your manhood or womanhood. 

March 2020 Newsletter PL 62

Study Guide Man and Woman

Explore: The Duality of Man and Woman on the Earth Plane; Mass Images about Man and Woman;  Misunderstanding the Message of Spirit; and Creating Union 

YouTube Video Summary   24 mins

Subtitles added June 2020  Download  Transcript

PL 64 Outer Will and Inner Will

                            You have all had the experience that you wish very much for something without achieving it.  This is due not only to unconscious contrary will‑currents that divide your will, but also to something that is vastly overlooked.  It is the fact that two different kinds of will exist: the inner will and the outer will.  A knowing of this difference will open further doors for your understanding of self, of others, and of the laws of the universe.     

July 2017 Newsletter PL 64

Study Guide: Outer Will and Inner Will

Explore: Crippled Inner Will --> Domination by Outer Will; Misconception about Selfishness;
Inner Conflict --> Hopelessness-->Resistance; and Shifting from Outer to Inner Laws 

YouTube Presentation 29 mins

PL 68  Thought Process; Meditation  & Suppression of Positive and Creative Tendencies
                              The importance of understanding the thought process will lead you to mastery over your self, just as the psychological work is doing this from another side.  If you are governed by your emotions, conscious or unconscious, you lose control over your self and over your life.  The same applies to your thought process.  Understanding and control of the thought process is one more very important aspect of personality growth.  Without it, full expression of the maximum you can be is impossible. 

Explore: Man's personal spirituality is an eminently private affair; Foreground and Background Thought Processes; Meditations for Training Your Thought Processes; Different Phases of Pathwork – Structure of the Lectures 

YouTube Video Summary     26 mins

PL 71 Reality and Illusion

In the course of this work, you become aware of your emotions and their significance. Thus you find the unconscious, erroneous concepts that you have harbored so far. 

You then become aware of the unreality in which you have lived (emotionally), and thereby you approach reality.  This is, broadly speaking, the only possible way.  You cannot ever sense absolute reality by studying and reading, be it the greatest wisdom of the ages.  In that way, you would acquire only theoretical knowledge that has no real root in your inner world.

June 2016 Newsletter PL71 Part 1  

Explore: Showing up, or choosing to be present; Being in the Now; Feelings vs. Emotional Reactions; Paying attention to what has heart and meaning; Paying attention = Conscious Meditation

YouTube Video Presentation 18 mins
Explore: Telling the truth without blame or judgment; Illusions and dualistic thinking; Staying open to the outcome, not attached to it; Concentration Exercises 
YouTube Video Presentation 12 mins

PL 72: Fear of Loving -- Three Aspects that Prevent Man from Loving 

          Explore the intricate push-pull of human nature, where you may resist opening to love. "Love is the one and only power. With it you are mighty, you are strong, you are safe. Without it you are poor, you are separate, you are in seclusion and in fear. But this knowledge cannot really help you unless and until you discover where, deep inside yourself, you cannot love; you do not want to love; and you do not know why this resistance to love exists."

Presentation on YouTube   1 hr 44 mins

Subtitles added June 2020   Download Transcript

 or 2 Short Samples

2009 Study Guide PDF plus audio MP3 files:   

Download Study Guide

Explore: Aspects that Prevent Man from Loving from PL 107; The Twelve Steps adapted for Fear Anonymous by Emmanuel ("Fear is the only addiction on the planet")

Listen to audio online:



PL 73:The Compulsion to Recreate and Overcome Childhood Hurts   

          Unresolved conflicts from our childhood compel us -- on a mostly unconscious level -- to find or create similar situations, in an attempt to resolve the pain that we experienced and the pain we saw inflicted on others. 

          In addition to our primary intimate relationships, we may also experience this 'compulsion to recreate' with friends, co-workers, and authority figures. 

2008 Presentation on YouTube 1 hr 44 mins  

Note: video mentions Spiritual Principles PC10 Single Page Summary

Download Subtitle  file as .txt or watch 2 Short Samples from the Video

Download Study Guide

Explore several worksheets on finding patterns from your childhood that are repeating in your current life circumstances, openly and covertly; and 2 essays on The Role of Parents in Pathwork by Jan

Zipped file contains Study Guide plus audio MP3 files:   

PL 77: Self-Confidence: Its True Origin and What Prohibits It   

              Focuses upon defense mechanisms known as 'Forcing Currents' and the distortions of submission, aggression, and withdrawal.

July 2013 Newsletter

Study Guide Self Confidence PL77 2013

Worksheets and articles on forcing currents and self confidence

October 2016 Newsletter

Study Guide Self Confidence PL77 2016

Explore: What is self‐confidence; What causes conflicts and deviations?; Forcing Currents; and 

How We Collude with Self Doubt 

YouTube Summary 6 mins

PL 80 Cooperation, Communication, Union

          The highest, the most desirable state in the whole plan of evolution is union.  If man is overeager, overanxious, if his desire for communication is an exaggerated craving, these soul forces will automatically become harsh, pointed, and rigid.  Cooperation is simply a more superficial form of communication.         

2008 Presentation on PRS 5 Constructive Attitudes in Self-Confrontation 

Audio only:   Part 1 57 mins      Part 2 57 mins

Download Study Guide PL 80 / PRS 5

January 2015 Newsletter PRS5 PL 80

Study Guide: Constructive Attitudes in Self-Confrontation

Explore: Overview and Daily Review; Co-operation, Communication, Union; Recognizing inner Resistance; Collusion; Constructive Steps; Managing Difficult Conversations 

Full Text: Chapter 5 of the PRS

PL 81 Conflicts in the World of Duality

          The great opposites are life and death, happiness and unhappiness, love and selfishness, light and darkness. Your daily little fears, apprehensions, and anxieties all represent a form of personal death.  Then see how you really react to it. Learn to become aware of everything you cringe from.  Do not repress it. 

April 2017  Newsletter PL 81

Study Guide: Conflicts in the World of Duality

Explore: Fear of Death-->Duality; Fear of Death-->Illusion, Irrational Beliefs; 

Fear of Death-->Fear of Bliss; and Fear of Death-->Clinging to Life 

YouTube Video Presentation 1 hr 3 mins

April 2017 Presentation Notes PL 81

PL 83: The Idealized Self Image   

                        The most important countermeasure man resorts to in the false belief that it will circumvent unhappiness, unpleasure, death, never realizing that this very countermeasure not only does not avoid, but brings on the very thing that is most dreaded and fought against. This common, universal pseudo-protection is the creation of the idealized self-image.

Two people weighed down by their images

Download 2008 Study Guide plus audio MP3 files:

Download Study Guide

Charts and worksheets for understanding the concept

Listen to audio online:

2018 update: 083 Study Guide
Additional charts and worksheets. Also see PL 129 Finding God's will; PL 39 Finding Images; and PL 93 Main Image (2018)

PL 84: Love, Power and Serenity as Divine Attributes and as Distortions    

          How and why positive attributes become distorted. One of the many Pathwork Lectures on the personality types of Reason, Will and Emotion introduced in PL 43.

2009 Presentation on YouTube   1 hr 25 mins  (Sample at end of page)

Audio only: 084-TC-LovePowerSerenity-2009-Pt1.mp3


Download 2009 Study Guide

Additional charts and worksheets on Personality Types and their Qualities, positive and negative, as Constructive or Destructive

Zip file includes Study Guide plus audio MP3 files:

June 2015 Newsletter PRS14 / PL84  

2015 Study Guide   Love, Power and Serenity

YouTube Video Introduction to  PL 84  6 minutes

Intro references scenes from this 1950's film: 11 minute collage

Above: clip from Love, Power, Serenity PL 84

PL 85 & 86: Self-Preservation and Procreation 

                               as Instincts in Conflict and in Distortion  

          These are my two favorite lectures.  They are relatively unknown, not easy to teach or set into charts.  Yet these were the keys that unlocked my understanding of Unity and Duality, the Idealized Self Image / Mask, Vicious Circles, Lower Self – just about every major Pathwork concept. 

          Robert Fulghum wrote this formula for self-growth based upon our instinctive verbal cues:  Uh-huh + Oh-wow + Uh-oh + Oh, God = Ah-hah!  Everyone has had an Ah-hah! moment, when a major life component suddenly becomes clear. Ah-hah! moments = conscious awareness of cause and effect.

Download Study Guide PDF plus audio MP3 files:

Download Study Guide PDF

Worksheets and the Preface to Uh-Oh by Robert Fulghum

Listen to audio online:



Download Transcript of the audio presentation

PL 89 Emotional Growth and Its Function

               In order to know yourself on a deeper level, it becomes increasingly necessary to allow all emotions to reach surface awareness so as to understand these emotions and to mature them. 

July 2020 Newsletter PL 89

Study Guide: Emotional Growth and Its Function

Explore: Emotional Growth is Spiritual Development; The Mechanics of Resistance; Prejudices About Emotional Growth; and Emotional Growth, Love, Spirituality 

YouTube Video Introduction  7 mins

Download PL 89 July 2020 Online Meeting Review

PL 90 & 91 Moralizing; Disproportionate Reactions, Repressed Needs

          The topic of Moralizing is best studied once there is an awareness of emotions that have been repressed, and after they have, in part, been able to reach a surface awareness. These are generally prevalent, and every human being will have all of them in some degree. Often such moralizing does not appear outwardly at all.  In fact, outwardly the very opposite may be true.  But inwardly it exists to some extent with all human beings.

June 2023 Newsletter Summary PL 90 Part 1 of 2

Study Guide: Moralizing Part 1, highlighting Q&A in PL 91

Explore: Becoming Aware of Repressed Emotions; Mankind's Neglect of Emotional Development; Influence of the Idealized Self Image PL 83; and Morals vs. Moralizing

July 2023 Newsletter Summary

Study Guide: Moralizing Part 2; Disproportionate Reactions, Repressed Needs PL 90

Explore:  Morals vs. Moralizing; Tendency to Moralize;  Exaggerations and Disproportionate Reactions; and Unfulfilled Needs - how these topics link together

PL 92 Real and False Conscience, Real and False Guilt

The more the pain of the unfulfilled legitimate need remains unexperienced, or only half experienced, unreal, false needs fill the personality which then will make demands on others. False needs, even if gratified here or there, leave you empty and dissatisfied.

June 2014  Newsletter PRS15 / PL 92

Study Guide: Real and False Conscience, Real and False Guilt

Explore: Repressed needs and their relationship to Man’s State of Consciousness; Real and False Needs;  Repression, Manipulation, Displacement, Substitution; and Sublimation 

PL 93 Main Image, Repressed Needs

Reviews concepts on Images, Repressed Needs, and Defensive Systems. "Resistance to change is one of the greatest hurdles to be overcome.  It can be rationalized in many ways, but whatever is the conscious "reason" for such resistance, deep down you all battle against giving up the "glory" of your idealized self.  That, especially, you fear above and beyond anything else."

Explore: Overcome resistance by making your work personal; How an image comes into existence; Repressed Needs; and Defense Mechanisms 

YouTube Video Summary 26 mins

PL 94 Real Self vs. Superficial Self 

          The real self is actually so much nearer to you than you realize. In fact, there are areas in your life where you do act out of your real self, but you do not know it because it is such a natural process. As yet, you cannot distinguish between this kind of action and the action coming forth from the superficial layers. 

July 2018 Newsletter PL 94 Overview

Study Guide Real Self vs. Superficial Self 

Explore: Real Self vs. Superficial Levels of Personality; Tension and Anxiety result from the Superficial Self; Sin and Neurosis; Split Concepts Create Confusion 

YouTube Introduction to PL 94   20 mins

PL 97 Perfectionism

          Perfectionism is a rigid, static, unrealistic picture of life, of others, of self. The stronger perfectionism, the harder the brunt of self‑condemnation.                   Perfectionism denies the temporary reality of imperfection in a most unhealthy way.

March 2015 Newsletter PRS9 / PL97

Study Guide Perfectionism

Explore: How Perfectionism originates; Manipulation of feelings -> Pseudosolutions; 

No Current -> Yes Current = JOY; and Finding a dynamic balance 

PL 98 Wishful Day Dreams

          Every dream contains a message of the unconscious and indicates that something is going on in it that the conscious mind should know about. Every personal emotion, reaction, feeling, is represented in dreams in picture language. Hence, a series of dream events, containing a great many details and happenings, when summed up, can be expressed in a couple of sentences. 

April 2015 Newsletter PRS27 / PL98

Study Guide Dreams and Day Dreams

Explore: Eva’s teachings on Dreams EP1; Day Dreams PRS27; Spiritual Purpose of Sleep / Spiritual Paradoxes Translating Spiritual Messages to the Material World; and How Wishful Day Dreams fit into these concepts.

YouTube Presentation PL 98  29 mins

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